Discovery | Year 6 | Session 4 | Architecture Quest
¡Bienvenidos a esta cuarta sesión!
Como ya les había compartido, en el network estamos haciendo un esfuerzo especial por actualizar los Quests de este año en un formato plug and play, con el fin de que la experiencia para los learners sea lo más similar posible entre todos los Actons alrededor del mundo.
Les comparto la introducción al Quest con recursos generados especialmente para las familias.
In this session, your learner travels on an architectural adventure and you are invited to be part of their journey! To help support your learner we would like to share more about this Quest design, how you can help with supplies, and a few ideas to dive deeper into this Quest as a family.
What is this Quest about?
In this quest, Heroes play the role of architects designing their dream Acton Academy school for new owners. Heroes move their team avatar across an architect gameboard (quest map) and enter rooms to explore challenges and solve riddles! This quest is completed in pairs and learners work through the main processes of research, design, and construction.
To introduce Heroes to architecture as a calling.
To inspire a love of design and creation.
To instill the importance of knowing when to follow instructions and when to take your own path.
Key Questions
How will architectural heroes and historical structures inspire my design preferences?
Is it best to listen or lead when creating?
How many ways can I approach my dream design?
Is innovation or reliability most important?
When do I submit to my client and when do I follow my gut?
Field Trip and Guest Heroes
Learners will visit UDEM as part of the Troyanos Kids program. They will enjoy a tour of the university's facilities focusing on Centro de las Artes Roberto Garza Sada, built by world-renowned architect Tadao Ando. Additionally, a couple of architects and interior designers will visit the studio as Architect Heroes. Joel Herrera, one of our Discovery parents, will be a mentor throughout this Quest since architecture has been his lifelong career.

How can parents help?
Help us add to our Quest material collection by donating your recyclables! Preferred recyclables are toilet paper or paper towel rolls, egg cartons, packing materials, small boxes, or other supplies that seem fun to build with!
Family Discussion Questions:
What is our home’s design? What year was our home built and who built it?
What are the words that describe how we feel in our home? How do we want guests to feel when they visit our home? What elements of design help support these feelings?
How does our home feel different from the library, the grocery store, or a friend’s house?
What makes it feel different or the same?
What is most important when you create a design with a partner: to listen or to lead? Why?
Ideas to Dive Deeper into Architecture at Home:
If you live in an area with architectural museums, tours, or specialty buildings from master architects we encourage you to explore these amazing options as a family! If you do not, or if you want to dive deeper into building and technology below are a handful of ways to explore the world of Architecture from your very home.
Activities to Practice Building
Lego fun!
This documentary film (25 minutes) explores the world of studio-based design through the lens of a group of students working on their final design project.
Award-winning architect and an actress travel the world touring beautiful unconventional homes.
12 episodes of spaces that seem ordinary but are extraordinary!
TED Talk
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